Whether you are searching your contacts to start a chat or find a user's contact information, searching in Hypercare is easy!
Searching contacts in Hypercare allows you to search for First Name, Last Name, Job Title and a relation of these fields to each other. Allowing to search terms across these fields allows users to produce a more accurate search more quickly.
For example, let's take a user named John Smith with his job title is "Physician". You can search for this user using the following search combinations:
- Approximate Spelling search (e.g. Jon): this will produce a list of many users who have the combination of "Jon" in their First Name, Last Name, and Job Title.
- Approximate or Exact Spelling of First Name and Job Title search (e.g. Jon Physician): this will produce a list of many users who have the combination of "Jon" and "Physician" in their First Name, Last Name, and Job Title. The more exact the spelling, the more exact search return you will get.
- Approximate or Exact Spelling of First Name and Last Name search (e.g. John Smit): this will produce a list of many users who have the combination of "John" and "Smit" in their First Name, Last Name, and Job Title.
- Approximate or Exact Spelling of Last Name and Job Title search (e.g. Smith Physician): this will produce a list of many users who have the combination of "Smith" and "Physician" in their First Name, Last Name, and Job Title
To produce a more accurate search result of contacts, it is recommended to have the most correct spelling as possible to find the desired user quickly.